
So where to begin? The saga of import/export hell has finally been cleared and we've been brought into the heavenly light of a workflow that seems to be working.

Static models have been exporting/importing fine. The trouble is the animated models. We've been working with the fairly simple enemy soldier model to find the best way to go about export/import workflow.

Blender's fbx exporter consistently gave us nothing to import. The collada export also gave us nothing to import. Obj's obviously gave us great static models, but no animations. We recently tried a plugin specifically for exporting to Urho… which worked to a point. The mesh was fine, the skeleton was fine, the animations were fine… but the weight painting was totally borked.

Today, I finally did a crazy test. I downloaded the trial version of Maya, and imported the enemy soldier and used the Maya fbx exporter. Imported into Urho with COMPLETE SUCCESS!!! Let me tell you that was a wonderful and troubling moment. It worked. But why!?!

With this information under our belt, we had new search terms to work with. We discovered the Autodesk FBX Converter which is a free tool that works. Now this seemed to be working for everything except for one annoyance. The mesh would end up having a 90 degree rotation offset from the skeleton. Perhaps we'll find an elegant way to solve this eventually, but having figured out the problem, I just brute forced the fix.

Thus! Official export/import workflow is as follows:

  • create model
  • create animation on animation rig
  • bake action so that it works on deformation rig
  • weight paint
  • in the weight paint tools, be sure to click Limit Total and set to 4
  • select mesh in object mode, rotate 90 degrees on x-axis
  • press ctrl-a and apply rotations
  • select mesh, then export as fbx with following options:
    • check 'selected objects'
    • scale: 1.00 (default)
    • Forward: -Z forward
    • Up: Y up
    • blue highlighted Armatures and Meshes
    • check 'apply modifiers'
    • smoothing: Off
    • check 'include animation'
    • check 'include default take' (haven't tried all actions yet)
    • check 'batch own dir' (default)
  • add the resulting .fbx to the fbx converter and convert using the 2013 version
  • open the urho editor
  • import fbx
  • delete static model
  • create animated model
  • edit animated model to point at new model.xml
  • change animation takes to 1 and point to model_animation_takes.ani
  • test it!
  • add the rest of the required bits to make your animated model usable and save the node

Poo. That seems exhausting! LOL. Way less exhausting than several weeks of unsuccessful trials. Counting my blessings and looking forward to a good night sleep.

Oh right. Picture for proof!

static and animated models in engine